
The Essentials of Innovation

Given enough time to think about it, we all probably know the essentials of innovation based on our own experiences.  Yet these essentials can be so difficult to apply in corporate cultures with different heritages.  So application becomes the key […]

Fear of Failure Delays Innovation

Most folks experienced in innovation and commercial development have experienced failure.  Failure in this context is merely one step forward toward ultimate success.  The key is to reduce risks of large failures.   Many new products newly commercialized need updates, fix-its, […]

Innovation Metrics Revisited

Since we last spoke about metrics in 2009, metrics have remained the critical factor in measuring innovation success. Metrics are used as key performance indicators–how much bang are you getting for your buck? Overall, everyone should assess the percent of […]

Properties of Innovation Leaders

Somebody within the organization needs to initiate the innovation process. What are the characteristics of innovation leaders? They are often different, operate differently, and go about things differently than most others in the organization. Typically they are adaptive and serves […]

Developing a Network for Your Innovation Environment

An innovation network exists inside and outside your organization. Inside, certain individuals will characteristically have the traits necessary to form strong innovation teams. Outside your organization, the function is called open innovation, sourcing innvotive ideas, intellectual property, products, services, and […]

Bridging the Gap Between Marketing and R&D

Ever wonder why the R&D function has trouble “sync-ing” with the Marketing department. Marketing should drive most innovation because marketing has the pulse of the consumer and a sense of consumer trends, and R&D can introduce new technologies that can […]