Risk Taking in Innovation

Dear Upper Management, We want to create new products for our company, yet have been blocked by numerous resources. We would like to understand better the reasons why our proposals are shut down with inadequate explanations by management. In addition, funding for new product development and consumer focus work has been cut to a bare … Read more

Properties of Innovation Leaders

Somebody within the organization needs to initiate the innovation process. What are the characteristics of innovation leaders? They are often different, operate differently, and go about things differently than most others in the organization. Typically they are adaptive and serves as a catalysts to change others’ perspectives in the organization. Such innovation leaders tend to … Read more

Your Innovation Culture

What innovation strategy and tactics best suits your company culture? Not all such strategies and attendant tactics will conform to your culture. Who are your innovation players? Getting the right team members involves some legwork, as some high profile staff persons and “HIPOs” may not be the appropriate drivers, and some other staff persons may … Read more

Create Ideas, Innovate to Commercialize

Innovation is the application of creative ideas. One can create a new ingredient yet we need to deliver the ingredient in a vehicle acceptable to the end user, typically consumers. Brainstorming creat ideas and possibilities. The complexity is how to commercialize that idea, and that is where innovation comes in.

Creating an Innovation Culture

Most organizations, including companies, need to hand-pick individuals whose overall skill set complement each other and who can act as a team to drive innovation through the rest of the organization. Individuals drawn from marketing, finance, and the development side, these internal and external innovation drivers need to identify hurdles and create the right incentives … Read more

Developing a Network for Your Innovation Environment

An innovation network exists inside and outside your organization. Inside, certain individuals will characteristically have the traits necessary to form strong innovation teams. Outside your organization, the function is called open innovation, sourcing innvotive ideas, intellectual property, products, services, and processess to augment and leverage your internal resources. To outsource your innovation efforts, your organization … Read more